So, never a dull moment in this house

! Guess that's why my sister has to
kindly remind me to "update the blog". So, here goes! Last posting we were working through Trenton's school year and we continue to do so. Things have been far from perfect or great for that matter but we are working the best as a family or "team" to help guide him. It's very hard because at night when all is quiet and the kiddos are sleeping I often think- is there anything else we can do for him, more than we already are? It's exhausting and saddening at times but we have decided that this "team" approach will put everyone on the same page-along with some help from the outside therapeutic world!
Lucas continues to grow and thrive every day. His vocabulary is expanded daily, he continues to sing songs and he talks about shapes! This might very well be one of the best ages (2 1/2) ever, who would have thought? Yes, there are some bad and embarrassing tantrums but they are worth it to see how much he is learning. For example, tonight I was cleaning up dishes and he was standing in

the hallway with his Lightening McQueen car. I heard him saying something but wasn't sure exactly what he was saying-until I turned around and saw him. He was standing on his car with one hand on the wheel and one on the back of the car saying "skateboard, skateboard". OH MY! I couldn't believe he was trying to ride the car as if it were a skateboard...and where or where did he learn that??????? Of course, it's difficult to tell him "it's not safe", "you will fall", "get down", blah blah blah.....He looked so cute and was doing a pretty good job! Maybe when he is a little bit older we will get him a skateboard.
Well for me and the hubby, we are also surviving. We are looking forward to an upcoming vacation to Disney with my Mom, Chuck and J-La! Be prepared to see some great pictures of the adventure!!