The rest of the trip to PA was packed with the usual run around! I took the boys up during the day on Friday and we picked up Nana and went to visit Papa in the nursing home. He was just recently placed there due to his dementia and the unfortunate progress of the disease. He lit up when he saw the little kids but has trouble recognizing any of us. He remembers Nana and enjoys holding her hand which is to be expected after 60+ years of marriage! On Saturday we did our usual trip to the mall and our typical "scurring" about prior to the kids Easter egg hunt. It was great seeing all the cousins and their kids-it's hard to believe there are so many of them and how fast they grow! Check out the picture below of the three boys celebrating their first Easter! We missed Auntie Lala like crazy because she was stuck in Minnesota. It's never the same without her:( We love you J-La!!
Shane(Nadine's baby), Carter (Kristy's baby) and Nate (Melissa's baby)

On Sunday we had a blessed day at church and in addition to it being Easter Sunday, Carter Crosby was baptized. We had a nice dinner and Jonnie left with the boys to visit with his family. I stayed behind and took Nana so we could visit with Papa one more time before I left. I want to en